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Hi, Panel or section for API keys missing, so unable to generate API Keys. Please help!

I have been a PRO member since Feb, To clarify, this is what the documentation says one should see in the settings page. But in my case, in the panel for perplexity Pro, after the line for "Referrals", I see the panel for "System". There is no panel or section named "API Keys" nor the button "+Generate". <br /> Please help ASAP as I was hoping to do some tests today! <br /> ![](https://files.readme.io/3babdb3-image.png)

"gemma-2-9b-it" is available in playground but not in API

Hi, How to use the 'gemma-2-9b-it' model? In playground (labs.perplexity.ai) I can use it but on the page: <https://docs.perplexity.ai/docs/model-cards> this model is not mentioned and when I try to use it (in Python) I receive 400 error 'Invalid model' Other models are either slower (first token latency) or not as smart (according to lmsys leaderboard).

Control search and scraping parameters via prompts

Hello Perplexity Support Team, We need help to control search and scraping parameters via prompts. Specifically: 1. Website Selection: Can we specify which websites Perplexity should or shouldn’t use? 2. Selection: How can we choose specific data from a website? Currently, we get irrelevant data. 3. Parameters: Can we tailor search parameters to exclude unnecessary information? Can you guide us on how to achieve this customisation? Thank you. Best regards,

Is it me or are API responses significantly worse than perplexity search?

I've A/B tested the API vs. Perplexity search with multiple queries and the API responses are significantly worse. They don't seem to have nearly the same level of real-time / online data. Is this just me?

Conversational/Multi-turn Decoherence on llama-3-sonar-large-32k-online

Hi Aarash, 2 months ago you kindly fixed a bug I flagged about multi-turn conversations losing coherence. It seems the bug is back - noticed it about 3 weeks ago: (via playground, and API) Example: Human: Are there camels at ZSL? LLM: Yes, there are camels at ZSL (Zoological Society of London). Specifically, London Zoo is home to two domestic Bactrian camels named Genghis and Noemie, which can be found in the Orange Zone of the zoo. Human: What are their names? LLM: The song "What Are Their Names" is by David Crosby, and it is part of his album "If I Could Only Remember My Name" released on February 22, 1971. The song features vocals from several notable artists, including David Crosby, Graham Nash, David Freiberg, Phil Lesh, Jerry Garcia, Grace Slick, Joni Mitchell, and Paul Kantner. Thanks, Mike

Fast changing data

Hi, I have lots of fast-moving and changing data on <https://patientgroups.ai> but it is not being updated on perplexity. It's kind of hallucinating the data and not giving the correct answers if the site changes. It's obviously quite important data for patients searching for patient groups if they have a newly discovered medical condition so it would be good to be updated often. I did a search but cannot find a submission mechanism for sitemaps, is one coming soon?

Inconsistency in responses for the same query

I get pretty wildly different results for this prompt: "Flight prices to Portugal from SFO in July on Google Flights" Example responses: - To find flight prices to Portugal from SFO in July on Google Flights, follow these steps:\\n\\n1. Go to Google Flights.\\n2. Enter San Francisco (SFO) as your departure city and Lisbon (LIS) or Porto (OPO) as your destination.\\n3. Select your ticket type: one-way, round trip, or multi-city.\\n4. Select the number of passengers and cabin class.\\n5. Click the calendar to select your flight dates in July.\\n6. You will find the lowest total price to fly for each day.\\n7. Optional: Filter your results by stops, airlines, times, or more.\\n8.Choose a flight for each part of your trip.\\n9. Choose how you’ll book the flight: usually, you will be taken to the airline’s website or online travel agency to complete the transaction.\\n\\nFor example, flights from San Francisco to Lisbon in July can start from $510.00[2]. - Starting from $510.00[3]. - I have read the sources carefully. Please provide the query you would like me to answer. The citations it returns are also always different. This is using temperature=0 and llama-3-sonar-large-32k-online model. In our system prompt, we include "Try to be consistent. The user expects to get the same answer for the same question, except for things that change frequently like stocks and the weather.", but I also see from the API docs "Note that the search subsystem of the Online LLMs do not attend to the system prompt.". Flights is one example but this happens for other queries as well. Any advice on how to get better consistency?

How do I access past threads to resuse and expand

I cant access past threads or requests.. is that normal?

Perplexity not visiting URL - Only halluzinating (make.com)

Hello Community, I noticed today that the Perplexity “Create a Chat Completion” module at make.com only responds with a generic text. Its job was to visit a URL and highlight the main points. The output I received has nothing to do with the visited article from my given URL. I tested various models and had the same result. When I enter the same prompt with the URL at perplexity.ai, I got a result which confirms that the URL was actually visited and researched. However, this is not the case with the make.com module. What’s going on with the API? Regards, Markus

Unable to receive Citations

Hi Everybody, could you help me with this request? I'm not able to recieve Citations, I'm using the next request: ``` url = "https://api.perplexity.ai/chat/completions" payload = { "return_citations": True, "model": "llama-3-sonar-large-32k-online", "messages": [ { "role": "system", "content": "you are a personal assistant be precise" }, { "role": "user", "content": "what are the news on LatinAmerica?" } ] } headers = { "accept": "application/json", "content-type": "application/json", "authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}", } response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers) response.json() ``` the Response is: ``` {'id': '244dd1ce-88d0-43a6-af27-d291471ab157', 'model': 'llama-3-sonar-large-32k-online', 'created': 1720706266, 'usage': {'prompt_tokens': 89, 'completion_tokens': 381, 'total_tokens': 470}, 'object': 'chat.completion', 'choices': [{'index': 0, 'finish_reason': 'stop', 'message': {'role': 'assistant', 'content': 'En América Latina, hay varias noticias importantes:\n\n1. **Huracán Beryl**: El huracán categoría 3 se dirige hacia México después de causar destrucción en el Caribe. Se han reportado muertes y daños significativos en Jamaica, Barbados, St. Vincent, y Grenada.\n\n2. **Política en Brasil**: El expresidente Jair Bolsonaro enfrenta acusaciones de lavado de dinero relacionadas con diamantes no declarados de Arabia Saudita, lo que agrega a sus problemas legales.\n\n3. **Elecciones en Venezuela**: El presidente Nicolás Maduro enfrenta una elección difícil después de una década en el poder, lo que plantea un desafío para su liderazgo.\n\n4. **Incertidumbre en Bolivia**: Después de un intento de golpe de estado, prevalece la incertidumbre y las teorías de la conspiración, destacando la inestabilidad política en la región.\n\n5. **Rescate en Ecuador**: Las autoridades ecuatorianas rescataron a 49 personas secuestradas por una banda criminal en una región minera.\n\n6. **Captura de líder de pandilla en Venezuela**: La policía capturó a Larry Changa, fundador de la temida pandilla Tren de Aragua, en una ciudad colombiana.\n\n7. **Problemas de seguridad en México**: Un enfrentamiento entre pandillas rivales en Chiapas resultó en 19 muertes, destacando los desafíos de la delincuencia organizada en la región.\n\nEstas son solo algunas de las noticias destacadas en América Latina en este momento.'}, 'delta': {'role': 'assistant', 'content': ''}}]} ``` <br /> Thanks in advance