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Request for citation beta after several weeks. Still no response.

I have been waiting for the ability to gain access to the citation beta for the Perplexity API. I still have not received any response after several weeks. I am hoping to learn if there is a way to reach out and gain access or hear of a status update. Thanks!

Perplexity Custom Tool in Flowise

Hey guys, having trouble implementing it... const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const url = '<https://api.perplexity.ai/chat/completions'>; const options = { method: 'POST', headers: { accept: 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json', authorization: 'Bearer $vars.perplexity_key' }, body: JSON.stringify({ model: 'llama-3-sonar-small-32k-online', messages: [ {role: 'system', content: 'You Are a Research Assistant'}, {role: 'user', content: '$query'} ] }) }; fetch(url, options) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => console.log(json)) .catch(err => console.error('error:' + err)); <br /> Langchain shows just empty response from perplexity.

Usage of the API

How can I get the same response with the API as the one obtained from a prompt on the Perplexity.ai website?

Control search and scraping parameters via prompts

Hello Perplexity Support Team, We need help to control search and scraping parameters via prompts. Specifically: 1. Website Selection: Can we specify which websites Perplexity should or shouldn’t use? 2. Selection: How can we choose specific data from a website? Currently, we get irrelevant data. 3. Parameters: Can we tailor search parameters to exclude unnecessary information? Can you guide us on how to achieve this customisation? Thank you. Best regards,

Is it me or are API responses significantly worse than perplexity search?

I've A/B tested the API vs. Perplexity search with multiple queries and the API responses are significantly worse. They don't seem to have nearly the same level of real-time / online data. Is this just me?

Fast changing data

Hi, I have lots of fast-moving and changing data on <https://patientgroups.ai> but it is not being updated on perplexity. It's kind of hallucinating the data and not giving the correct answers if the site changes. It's obviously quite important data for patients searching for patient groups if they have a newly discovered medical condition so it would be good to be updated often. I did a search but cannot find a submission mechanism for sitemaps, is one coming soon?

Perplexity not visiting URL - Only halluzinating (make.com)

Hello Community, I noticed today that the Perplexity “Create a Chat Completion” module at make.com only responds with a generic text. Its job was to visit a URL and highlight the main points. The output I received has nothing to do with the visited article from my given URL. I tested various models and had the same result. When I enter the same prompt with the URL at perplexity.ai, I got a result which confirms that the URL was actually visited and researched. However, this is not the case with the make.com module. What’s going on with the API? Regards, Markus

what is considered as a token?

for rate limits, what is considered as a token? Please explain with example

[FR] caching the system prompt for cheaper price

# Use Case <br /> Bob has a lengthy system prompt that applied to a large quantity of inputs. instead of passing it to the stateless api every single time, the prepend system prompt shall be cached: save the current state of the llm, and reuse it for the coming requests

"Related" questions in the API?

![](https://files.readme.io/679d76d-image.png) How can I get access to the "Related" API? I'm researching topics to cover for my [ai form filling app](https://instafill.ai/) blog. There are thousands of government forms and Perplexity helps me figure out what each form is about. I can do it using the Perplexity app but this process is manual and I want to automate it.