Model | Input Tokens (Per Million Tokens) | Output Tokens (Per Million Tokens) | Price per 1000 searches |
sonar-reasoning-pro | $2 | $8 | $5 |
sonar-reasoning | $1 | $5 | $5 |
sonar-pro | $3 | $15 | $5 |
sonar | $1 | $1 | $5 |
r1-1776 | $2 | $8 | - |
is an offline chat model that does not use our search subsystem
Detailed Pricing Breakdown for Sonar Reasoning Pro and Sonar Pro
Input Tokens
Input tokens are priced at $3/1M tokens
Input tokens comprise of Prompt tokens (user prompt) + Citation tokens (these are processed tokens from running searches)
Search Queries
To give detailed answers, both the Pro APIs also run multiple searches on top of the user prompt where necessary for more exhaustive information retrieval
Searches are priced at $5/1000 searches
A request that does 3 searches will cost $0.015 in this step.
Output Tokens
- Output tokens (Completion tokens) are priced at $15/1M tokens
Total Price
Your total price per request finally is a sum of the above 3 components
Sonar Reasoning and Sonar
Citation tokens are not considered as part of input tokens and each request does 1 search for Sonar Reasoning and Sonar.
Legacy Models
These models will be deprecated and will no longer be available to use after 2/22/2025
Model | Input Tokens (Per Million Tokens) | Output Tokens (Per Million Tokens) | Price per 1000 requests |
llama-3.1-sonar-small-128k-online | $0.2 | $0.2 | $5 |
llama-3.1-sonar-large-128k-online | $1 | $1 | $5 |
llama-3.1-sonar-huge-128k-online | $5 | $5 | $5 |