Supported Models

Perplexity Models

ModelParameter CountContext LengthModel Type
llama-3-sonar-small-32k-online*8B28,000Chat Completion
llama-3-sonar-small-32k-chat8B32,768Chat Completion
llama-3-sonar-large-32k-online*70B28,000Chat Completion
llama-3-sonar-large-32k-chat70B32,768Chat Completion

*Note that the search subsystem of the Online LLMs do not attend to the system prompt. You can use the system prompt to provide instructions related to style, tone, and language of the response.

Access to citations and images via API is in closed beta. To request access to citations, fill out this form and send an email describing your use case to [email protected].

Open-Source Models

Where possible, we try to match the Hugging Face implementation.

ModelParameter CountContext LengthModel Type
llama-3-8b-instruct8B8,192Chat Completion
llama-3-70b-instruct70B8,192Chat Completion
mixtral-8x7b-instruct8x7B16,384Chat Completion

Special Tokens

We do not raise any exceptions if your chat inputs contain messages with special tokens. If avoiding prompt injections is a concern for your use case, it is recommended that you check for special tokens prior to calling the API. For more details, read Meta's recommendations for Llama.